Be A Better You

Posted by David Schaefer on

Hello all,

We did not BLOG last week, and I almost was not going to today.  But, with all that is going on, I feel I want to say something.

DB Toxic’s purpose is to encourage self-betterment.  I know that any change for the better in myself must start with my courage to be honest with myself and admit I need to work on who I am.  I have sought out counseling for this purpose.  I read books that I feel are helpful for me.  I journal to get my thoughts out and work them out, for the better.  I have had to apologize for things I have said or done.  The thing is, I am the beginning of any change for the better in myself.

How I treat others says volumes about who I am.  It can also reveal the issues I have to work on.  There are “Toxic” people in every nationality and, let us not forget, there are also good people.   I am no expert, but I would say change begins within.  Owning our mistakes, acknowledging them and taking the steps to grow from them helps us on the road to becoming better.

I am seeing celebrities apologize for past actions on TV, I see peaceful protesters that march calling for change in how we, as Americans, treat each other.  The message is clear, change must start with honest self-reflection, then acceptance and the strength to change our ways. 

We need to see each other as equals, not by race.  The bad apples will always be out there.  Being an example, being strong enough to take the lead in the changes that are needed – that is what is encouraged.  A movement has begun – this is the time for real lasting change.

Hope is not what is needed.  Hope tells us action is required.  We will continue with our mission to encourage all of us to seek to be better people.

Be kind to each other, 



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